Keep Golf Fun is the creation of Noreen Chrysler who hopes that this web page will help new and established golfers alike to enjoy the great game of golf more. Anyone who has played this great game knows that it can be frustrating, however with the proper coaching and thinking that frustration can be greatly reduced and in many cases eliminated.
Trying to fix your own golf game can be like trying to fix your own car. For some they have a special gift that allows them the knowledge and skills to handle any type of repair but for the rest of us, we need a mechanic – or in this case a coach. Having another set of eyes can do wonders for spotting and eliminating potential problems. Our hope is that the few tips we post on this web page will get you on the right path to Keep Golf Fun!
Noreen has been a member of the PGA for over 25 years with even more years of experience in the golf business. Through her career she has been involved in many different aspects of the game of golf, working at exclusive golf courses, coaching women’s college golf, and owning her own driving range. The part of the game that she keeps coming back to is teaching. You only have to spend a few minutes with Noreen to see how passionate she is about helping others learn about the great game of golf.